Tsumani is an optional continent. It is entirely possible to complete the game without visiting here--there aren't any Words or Items here, nor are there any direct hints about them. It's a tricky continent to navigate because of all the mountains and forests--visibility here is not good. I landed on the east coast, and after wandering blindly through some forests came upon the concealed mountaintop town of Morningfrost.
Since visibility in the forest surrounding Morningfrost is so poor, you could go all the way around without ever noticing it. |
Some (actually most) just had peasants or generic townspeople that said nothing of interest...
One had a bunch of hostile Yabanjin who were cut down quickly...
And one even was completely empty!
I wasted my HP smashing down the door for this? |
Koshi is awfually nonchalant about the fact that I just butchered his pet. |
Asking about "South Star," Koshi told me that it might be in Snowraven, and asking about Snowraven, Koshi mentioned that it lies to the southwest. That was about it for Morningfrost--there was one Mahotsukai that mentioned that there was a dungeon to the west but that's about it.
So, it was on to Snowraven to see what I could find--as Koshi indicated, it was on tip of the peninsula on the southwest corner of the continent.
As a town, Snowraven is a more substantial settlement than Morningfrost. It's got a weaponsmith, an armorer, a grocer, a trainer, and a temple. The shops don't have anything of note but amusingly, while the armorer seems to have his stock unguarded and ripe for the taking, it's actually guarded by pit traps.
Ouch. |
Of course the only thing I'd be finding in those chests is generic store armor which my party didn't need, so it's a waste trying to loot them.
My initial task here was finding that spot that Koshi mentioned. The first hint here was smack in the middle of the town:
How is Snowraven the "star of the south" when Tsumani is so clearly a northern, arctic continent? |
31 squares north and 2 squares west of that sign was right on the edge of town, but searching there uncovered two secret doors:
Not the first place you'd search for a secret... |
The Mahotsukai in there, however, was totally worthless--all he did was tell me to find the Lantern, Staff, and Ring, without any indication of where those actually were.
The rest of the town is seemingly devoid of hints--except one Shugenja that gives you a hint about how to get to another part of town:
Since I can cast UKU and walk on water I don't really need to do this, but... |
Very nice, I have directions to a new continent. |
I guess looking at the map it's fairly obvious... |
Wait, what? |
The Red Shogun's castle sounds like a good next destination, but there's also a dungeon on this continent to cover first. This dungeon is totally nameless--it's not mentioned in the hint book at all, and the residents of Tsumani refer to them as "some caves that are easy to get lost in." I call this the "Sinkhole" or "Chutes and ladders" dungeon for reasons we'll soon see.
Before I went into this dungeon, I decided my levels might be a little on the low side for some of the upcoming areas so went back to the Fire Giant lair to gain experience--my party now had no trouble surviving in there. At this point levels started coming very slowly--the EXP per level needed raised to 1200 at level 21, and that took nearly a full hour of fighting in the lair to gain. I did get some good equipment from monsters, though--a Do-Maru +2, the best piece of armor that Shuten can equip, and a Powerstaff, the best melee weapon for a Mahotsukai. I still only went to level 22 so I was a few short of being able to cast the final level of spells, but went back to Tsumani to take on the Sinkhole dungeon anyway.
The first floor of the Sinkhole dungeon is less complicated than the rest. It's one large cavern with one notable feature--five sinkholes distributed about the dungeon. Sinkholes are the same as chutes in practice. While exploring this floor, I got caught in the sinkhole in the small room to the south, and in trying to find my way back up, quickly fell through several more sinkholes and ended up on level 4, the bottom of the dungeon.
Getting in here isn't hard. Getting out is the challenge. |
As you can see from the above map, the fourth floor is full of treasure. However, as I had been dumped in the southeast corner, there's no way I could have gotten to it either without use of teleportation spells. I didn't find the illusory walls at this point so went up to the third floor:
Almost immediately after climbing up to level 3 I fell through another sinkhole and was back on level 4. Getting out of the Sinkhole dungeon (or to the treasure) requires painstaking mapping--marking each sinkhole on the map as you climb out, so that you don't accidentally step on them and fall further. Navigating the southeastern quadrant of level 3, I found the staircase and made it up to level 2:
Now I was in the center-south, but going north I fell into another sinkhole--but this one took me to an area that didn't look much like a cave.
Maybe I'm getting somewhere? |
The occasional Whorl aside, waterwalking is usually pretty safe. |
There's an illusory passage to this cove, I just didn't find it. |
Finally I got somewhere! |
Guess where I think I should start looking for secrets? |
This was unexpected. |
Leaving the "empty" treasure room, I went back to the remainder of the complex and started searching for secret doors--off the main hall and the small room with fire in it I did find some real treasure chambers and looted them. Levels were getting expensive at this point, costing 15000+ to level the party up once, so the more the better.
With the treasure chambers looted, I now had to get out of the dungeon. After wandering aimlessly, and even checking my maps a few times, I ran out of patience and invoked the KAERU spell that Shigeko cast before I went into this dungeon, teleporting out immediately.
I'm not proud of it, but I gave up. |
So that's Tsumani. Next post I'll try visiting that "mythical" Red Shogun the merman was telling me about.
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